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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

random post 2

Okay this place is soo dead -.-


why lah didnt post? T_T

Anyways, im looookin forward for Crys darling's 14 birthday bash :) HEH although i still am not sure what to wear -.-

"Sometimes i feel like i have LOTSA clothes, but nothing to wear."- Victoria Beckham once quoted.

I soooo agree with Victoriaaa *winks*

VictoriaC agrees with VictoriaB =DDD
How cool is that ! x)

Okay that was lame =.=

Anyways, i love my phone <33
But i miss my old one T.T

and i think i have to shower.
all the skipping during Tarantella makes me stink :P

so yeah peeps, ciao.


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