© Copyright 2009, Frenz@. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hey people! We are Frenz@.
It's pronounced as friends-za by the way.
This blog is mainly about music, photography and stuffs we love. =]

Hope you enjoy this, and enjoy reading! :]
Please do not copy anything as they're copyrighted.

Alice Chai See Kee
Crystal Ng Pei Qi
Jocelyn Han Shuet Ling
Ravlynn Wong Li Sien
Regina Tan Jia Xin
Victoria CHoi VeiLi
.. ShuetLing ..

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You. Me. We.


That's us!
We're here together to share with people the stuffs we do together and also what we love like music, photography and more.

Enjoy this and do not copy any of our masterpieces we uploaded here in this blog.
Please have some originality!



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