© Copyright 2009, Frenz@. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 26, 2009

OUR cheers:D

credits: devianart

Hey See Kee you're so sweet, you're so sweet, just like a kid, hey See Kee, hey, hey, hey See Kee.
Hey Crystal you're so rock, you're so rock right to the top, hey Crystal, hey, hey, hey Crystal.
Hey Shuet Ling you're so fun, you're so fun, you blow my mind, hey Shuet Ling, hey, hey, hey Shuet Ling.
Hey Li Sien you're so cool, you're so cool, you make me drool, hey Li Sien, hey, hey, hey Li Sien.
Hey Reggie you're so cute, you're so cute, you make me mute, hey Reggie, hey, hey, hey Reggie.
Hey Vicky you're so hot, you're so hot, you make me drop, hey Vicky, hey hey, hey Vicky.

Hey Frenz@'s what we are, we can kick you outta bar(I don't know la this one XD), hey Frenz@, hey, hey, hey Frenz@.

And then got one last sentence I don't know the lyrics LOL =.=


Love y'all lots yaaaa:)

with lotsa love,
See Kee.

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